Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Story Behind the Monologues.What is V-Day? Who is Eve Ensler?

"The Vagina Monologues" is much more than just a play. In 1994, Eve Ensler wrote the play "The Vagina Monologues", which is based on dozens of interviews Ensler conducted with women. The play addressed women's sexuality and the social stigma surrounding rape and abuse. Ensler, a survivor herself, wanted to raise awareness of this terrible abuse that seemed to run rampant all across the globe and try to stop it so she created V-Day. The V-Day message is simple, violence against women and girls must end. 

The first V-Day, 1998, Ensler along with other women performed "The Vagina Monologues" as a benefit show and raised $250,000 in one night. Today, what started out as just performance has turned into over 5,000  stages large-scale benefits and campaigns to educate and change social attitudes towards violence against women world wide. 

"Each year V-Day increases awareness by focusing on a specific group of women in the world who are resisting violence with courage and vision. In 2011, V-Day's Spotlight Campaign will be on the Women and Girls of Haiti. The Spotlight will highlight the high levels of violence against women and girls in Haiti, and will focus on the increased rates of sexual violence since the devastating earthquake that took place in January 2010. All funds raised through the Spotlight Campaign will be used to support a revolutionary national campaign in Haiti lead by a coalition of women activists - including longtime V-Day activist Elvire Eugene - that will address sexual violence through art, advocacy, safe shelter and legal services."

Amnesty International lets us see a 

You can learn more at
Haiti Women from the V-Day Spotlight Campaign

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