So many KU students may wonder why the Women's Center offers "Stitch and Bitch." Why would college students knit? They don't have knitting needles in their book bag! What is this crazy program you are offering? You have the one string on the needle, oh no, can't get the's more frustrating that actually relaxing! This is lunacy woman's center! What were you thinking??
Well contrary to popular belief, knitting is actually like meditation. The steady rhythm you get into once you get used to holding the needles helps to engage your brain and you begin to almost breathe in time to your stitches. In fact, knitting has been dubbed "the new yoga" or "mind detoxification" and celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts and Madonna have hopped on the knitting train and picked up a pair of needles. And for KU students you can knit here and tell everyone about your problems while eating light refreshments! It's great!
Also, having something to wear like a scarf or a hat that you made is definitely a confident booster and a money saver which is perfect for college students.
SO, to recap why does The Women's Center offer Stitch and Bitch? As college students we all lead stressful lives, I mean we have course work, jobs, possibly roommate drama and just plain day to day things that piss us off. If you didn't realize you are attending a school where scarves and hats can come in quite handy. Don't have one? You can make one and relax at the same time! Holy. Hannah. Who knew knitting was so helpful?
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